In Uzhgorod, there will be a “foreign” rally for unity of Ukraine

Tomorrow, in Uzhgorod, about 100 car owners with foreign license plates will gather for a rally through the regional center for the unity of Ukraine and to re-appeal to the Parliament and the Cabinet on the inhibition of the bill to increase foreign car transit term from 5 to 30 days. This was announced by the head of the NGO "Western Ukrainian Association of Transit Car Owners" (ZAVTRA) Pavlo Biletsky.

– After being considered in the first committee of the Verkhovna Rada, the bill to increase the period of stay of foreign cars in Ukraine from 5 to 30 days was slowed down, – Biletsky says. – Our lawyer contacted the relevant committees of the Verkhovna Rada and found out that the reason was the negative conclusion of the Cabinet of Ministers. Therefore we are holding the campaign, during which we will prepare and sign the repeated appeals to the Parliament and the Cabinet on the same issue and a separate document on reducing custom duties on foreign cars. At the meeting, we will also make a plan of action of the NGO ZAVTRA in this area for the coming months.

 Activists of the NGO "ZAVTRA" also note that their campaign is aimed to support the European aspirations of the Ukrainian people and the unity of Ukraine. So, they invite all supporters of this idea to come on May 2 at 12.00 to the parking lot near UzhNU. From there, after discussion and document signing, the column consisting of 60 cars with Ukrainian symbolics, without any political colors, will ride Koshitska and Sobranetska streets to the border with Slovakia. There, they will hold a symbolic rally, discussion and summing up the campaign.

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