Verkhovna Rada abolished the VAT on tickets for Hyundai trains «IC +", which will lead to the cheapening of travelling by them by 16.6%.
The price of tickets for high-speed trains "IC +" will fall by 16.6% from the current prices in the upcoming days – as soon as the Law on Amendments to the Tax Code enters into force – writes Segodnya.
It will happen around mid-July after its publication. Earlier it was planned that the price would decrease only in the fall, but, as the head of Finances Committee of VR Vitaly Khomutynnyk explained the proposal of the Cabinet of Ministers had been included in the planned for the second reading list of changes in TC and was adopted.
Earlier, Boris Kolesnikov had promised to reduce the price for travelling by new trains immediately after Euro-2012.
It is estimated that the1st class ticket for the train "Kyiv-Kharkiv" will become 70 UAH cheaper (costing up to 353 UAH) the 2nd class – 45 (230), for the train "Kiev-Donetsk" – 93 UAH cheaper (470) and 61 (to 307) UAH, for the train "Kyiv-Lviv" – 79 (to 396) and 51 (256) UAH.
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