The interagency meeting on the organization works condition on the crime prevention and law enforcement during the European Football Championship ‘Euro 2012’ was held on the Prosecutor’s office premises in the Transcarpathian region on May 29. This was informed by the Regional Prosecutor’s Office press service.
The Deputy Regional Prosecutor Vitalii Roman stressed on the need for European standards in the border crossing operations implementation: the border security, the passengers and vehicles registration speed, the staff culture, creating comfortable conditions for people who cross the border and their appropriate information security.
Among the tasks, defined by the deputy Prosecutor, stands apart the following: the use of the coordinated measures for the security and law order on the highways of the region during the Championship, an appropriate information provision along the guests movement routes and Championship fans.
Vitalii Roman mentioned the street petty crimes, counterfeiting, travel documents forgery, tickets, the custom’s deception etc among the unsolved problems. The Prosecutor suggested to the service of the district inspectors to focus on the compliance with alcohol’s sale prohibition at night by the trade establishments and to deal with the trade counterfeit of alcohol products problem to the Service for Fighting Economic Crime.
The special attention, according to the Regional Prosecutor’s Deputy, should be focused on the crime prevention in the crowded places, public catering establishments, nightclubs and other entertainment establishments.
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