This amazing and unusual Uzhhorod (10 interesting facts)

1. Uzhhorod, as Rome, Istanbul, Prague, and Barcelona was built on 7 hills.

2. Until 1936, there was another ‘river’ in Uzhhorod. This was the confluent of the Uzh i.e. the Malyi Uzh (Small Uzh). The city centre itself was located on an ‘island’, surrounded by water. However, the river was led underground to release the area for buildings. Now, there is a giant 3 m diameter tube under Uzhhorod, where the Malyi Uzh is "hidden".

3. The length of the Linden Alley in Uzhhorod is 2200 m. It is not only the longest in Ukraine but in Europe as well. By the way, the longest linden alley of Europe was a wedding present!! That is right, Laudon István greeted his beloved on their special day presenting her this alley.

4. Uzhhorod is a ‘sweet’ city. It is one of the few cities of Ukraine that has its own cake. By the way, the cake is delicious!

5. Uzhhorod is known for its monuments of different historical eras However, only few know that among the most important decorations of the city are the mini-sculptures. They are dedicated to the honour of famous people and events connected with the history of the city. One of the most original is the mini-sculpture of the Statue of Liberty. At the same time, this is the smallest active lighthouse in Ukraine. The sculpture was established on the banisters of the bridge over the Uzh river in 2011. It is dedicated to the Uzhhorod river regatta. The figure holds a lantern with a flashing LED in it. The sculpture is dressed in carnival costumes on the eve of different fests. The locals has already entitled her the main "fashionist" of the land.

6. Uzhhorod is like a garden! It is one of the greenest cities of Ukraine. However, the "springest" colour is not green but… pink. The Sakura tree (Cherry blossom) is one o the main attributes of the city. It blooms at the end of April and this is the most beautiful part of the year. There is even a festival (Sakura fest) dedicated to its blooming in Uzhhorod. Mass celebrations take place at this time. It is believed that if you do not have a photograph with the Sakura tree, you have not been to Uzhhorod.

7. As we know, Uzhhorod is a city of various festivals, cultural events and other entertainments. The most famous are the Parade of brides, Parade of mykolaychyky (local Santa Clauses), Uzhhorod river regatta, Uzhhorodska palachinta, night bicycle rides, night runs and many others.

8. There is grape on the Uzhhorod coat of arms. Wherefrom? There is myth about that Zeus had once become angry at Dionysus, the god of wine and merriment so much that he exiled him as far as the Carpathians. Dionysus took with himself a grape wine and planted it here. He taught the locals how to care for it and how to make wine. Dionysus was teaching that the truth is in the wine. In their turn, the people of Uzhhorod swore to live by the principle ‘no day without the truth’.

9. Uzhhorod has its own legend about Rome and Juliet. The story took place in 1892. The city life was colourful thanks to the officers and soldiers of the local garrison. Géza Seffer, an officer from the neighbouring village of Baranyntsi while graduating from the military academy found out that the father of Ágnes Demeter, his beloved one is going to be sent from Uzhhorod to serve at Sopron at the Austrian border. Because of this Géza went to Ágnes before having dinner on 3 November. She was to go shopping. The young officer did not let her go to the city but took her to his home. They were found dead on the bed lying close to each other. A revolver was next to them. They were shot in their hearts. The news spread through the whole city. The whole population of the city was conducting the newlyweds to the cemetery. The Uzhhorod Romeo and Juliet were buried in one grave at the Kalvaria cemetery.

10. The place where the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture, Art and Life is located now was called once ‘Witch’s hole’. It was called so because women accused in witchery were burnt here long ago.

Farvater Travel

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