At the customs post "Ďakovo" and "Luzhanka", Chop inspectors recorded two violations of customs laws at 222,000 UAH – for providing false information about cargo and fake documents for a car "BMW 530 XD".
In the first case, a truck driver, heading from the city of Sumy to Romania, during the customs clearance at the Ukrainian-Romanian border provided shipping documents for "tolling products." Primarily, these products consisted of subproducts for footwear of textile, synthetic and leather materials.
However, customs officers conducted a thorough inspection of goods and found the discrepancy between the information, declared in the customs declaration and stated in the documents accompanying the goods, and their actual quantity and description. That is, they discovered the signs that indicate the export from the territory of Ukraine of significantly greater quantity of these goods in violation of customs laws. Among the tolling products, including men’s shoes made of rubber and leather, they found additional 209 pairs of various articles. The total cost of undeclared goods was more than 126,000 UAH.
Thus, for providing to customs authorities inaccurate information on goods subject to mandatory declaration, against the declarant the protocol of violation of customs regulations under Art. 472 of the Customs Code of Ukraine was written. The goods were seized until the court decision.
In the second case, a 35-year-old Romanian was trying to "slip through" customs control by car "BMW 530 XD" with a false letter of authority, using the simplified customs procedure in the "green corridor". However, inspectors had suspicions regarding the validity of the letter of authorization for operation of this car. Subsequently, the Service to combat smuggling and customs violations of the Chop Customs received the official response from the notary in Italy, which clearly stated that the signature and seal of a notary were fake because the latter had ceased his activity in 2011.
As the Romanian admitted, he had received all documents for the car from a friend in Slovenia, who had agreed with the representative of the Italian company to grant authorization for temporary use of "BMW 530 XD".Thus, under Article 483, Part 1 of the Customs Code of Ukraine, the protocol was executed against the citizen of Romania for providing the customs authorities with forged documents for the vehicle. The "BMW 530 XD", worth 96,000 UAH, was seized until the court decision.
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